When I realised today that he had passed away to eternity, I
recalled his famous phrase: `Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is
dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. I will just have changed the address.`
Yes, Billy Graham emigrated among the angels! He`ll saddle them to come after
us, to paraphrase a poet.
It was only last summer when I visited his home where he was
born 100 years ago. I felt tingling under my skin when his voice trumpeted God.
As whoever came close to the most prolific worldwide evangelist either started
to burn or ran away!

`My one purpose in life is to help people find a personal
relationship with God` declared the contemporary apostle who preached the
Gospel on all continents, in 183 countries and in 50 states of the USA. Not
only in Churches, not only in theatres, but in tents, on the streets, in the
stadiums…on the Radio, on the TV, on Internet. To the Presidents, kings, plain
people. To dictators, atheists, communists. To the saints and to the bad, infamous.
God is everywhere! Seeking God’s way!
At Yaido Plazza in Seul he gathered 1,1 millions persons!
(Record, 1973). In Maracana, Rio de Janeiro 225.000 (1974), on Wembley, Londra
95.000 (1968), on Wanderers, Johannesburg 60.000 (1973). 90.000 people listened
to his sermon in Philadelphia (1961), 116.000 in Chicago (1962), 80.600 in
Anaheim (1965), 74.000 in Washington (1978)... In Budapest 110.000 (1989). And
the examples may continue at length….as
long as the Great Wall of China!
In 1985 in Timișoara 150.000 Romanians gathered in front of
the Cathedral. The communists foresaw only
5000 seats in the building! In Arad people climbed up the block of
flats! In Sibiu they clustered in the streets and at Emanuel, Oradea 4000
people cramped! When I saw the short video about Romania at Graham Library, I
was astounded by the Militia`s platoons which could not stop the people
gathering at to hear the sermon. `We cannot believe how many people are here!`,
a Graham`s American member of staff shouted.
We saw our brothers who lived during the communism having huge tape
recorders. They kept these over their heads so they can record the sermon. What
about today? We’re only a click away from the Word of God and we are not
listening to the Bible.
Graham preached despite the communist world apposition. He
went to URSS (in Moscow the Red Army choir sang to him), in Yugoslavia,
Hungary, Poland, East Germany, Checkoslovacia. But in China and North Korea as
well! I shouted like the roman centurion `Indeed he truly was the Ambassador of
God `!
For years he was on the front page in published media (e.g.
Time, People, U.S. News, Newsweek, Christianity Today, Decision – o magazine in
Braille which reaches 163 countries etc.)
He wrote 22 books. His biography (Just I Am, 1997) was
published in over 1.5 millions copies. He counselled all American presidents
after the second World War. Only Obama did not invite him for counselling! He
talk about God to Queen Elisabeth the 2nd,
to Pope John Pal the 2nd, to the Taiwanese Chiang Kai Sen, North Koreean
Kim Il Sung, to Boris Elțîn, Francoise Miterrand, and even to Indira Ghandi.
(The list is so long that it can not be finished). He only missed Ceaușescu!
He preached at JF Kennedy`s funeral : „We must get back to
God”. But also immediately after the
Twin Towers disaster in 2001, or at USA`s, India`s major calamites and natural
disasters., in the Korean wars (1952), Vietnam (1966, 1968). He led humanitarian
campaigns to help the poor in Africa and Asia….as the Gospel without actions is
only philosophy…
One of the most shocking things I found about Billy Graham
was one of his mini-sermons which I've heard in `decision room` in his Library in
Westmont Charlotte. It was not complicated. Not theological. But filled with
power. With Jesus! With Holy Spirit! In the last 10 years only in that small
room, which can accommodate a few dozens of seats, over 10.000 persons came to
Christ, repented after listening to this particular mini-sermon!
From `decision room` one passes through a huge Cross of
lights. This is the only gate through which one can enter the Heaven. And after
meeting Christ one cannot walk further without it! This has always been Billy
Graham`s way of life. With The Lord`s Cross on his shoulder!
Pastor, evangelist, trainer, counseillour, coference
speaker. He impressed with his humility, integrity, courage, he knew how to
stay calm amidst difficult circumstances, to love his critics. He never missed
a year from the last 60 from the top ten most influential persons in the USA!
As per Gallup. I have no idea how many millions of kilometres he would have
ran. But I know that for his effort he was awarded the Gold Medal of the American
Congress in 1996, a $200.000 prize from the British Royal Family (British Crown),
a `Honoris Causa` doctorate from the University of South Korea, Hong Kong,
Hungary, Polonia, Yugoslavia and USA. And today, along with the crown of
eternity from Christ! He only received it now!
I won’t be there but I know where Billy Graham will be
buried. In the yard of the house where he was born, at about 100 meters, in a
small forest. At the end of the asphalt alley there is the grave of his wife,
Ruth. It is so simple! For such big characters! If you want to find Billy or
Ruth, you won’t find them there. They moved addresses.
Today, Billy Graham, Ambasador of God has left for good! Mr
President Trump said `there was nobody like him`. We believe him. But we pray
for God to raise new great ambassadors for Him!
PS: I saw a picture in his album which I received from Billy
Graham Foundation, in which the Heavens` Ambassador got correspondence from all
worldwide countries! Tons of letters! Hundreds of thousands of appreciations!
Thank you Bily Graham that you showed us how to travel through the earthy ones!
`Finding God’s will for your life. First: The Bible! Second: Pray! Third: Use
your talents, money, or wheatever you have and be faithful and loyal to the Lord
God”, is his last message.
Nicolae Geantă
Pastor, Romania
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